Mayme Marshall, MD: “Camp Is A Magical Place”

Mayme Marshall, MD, left, with the nursing staff at MHCC in 2019.

Mayme Marshall, MD, left, with the nursing staff at MHCC in 2019.

Camp is a magical place where kids are free from parents' expectations; they can be silly, brave, and adventurous. Becoming a camp doctor has always been a #careergoal for me! My dream came true Summer of 2019, when I was the camp doctor for Merry Heart Children's Camp!

As a physician, the best part of camp is watching our patients just be kids. I love hearing the incessant laughter, watching the triumph of pulling a fish out of the pond, and witnessing the camaraderie among campers and counselors. Witnessing as campers build relationships with peers who can relate to their own stories, or a camper who finds out their favorite counselor shares the same diagnosis as them, now that's powerful.

The community of Merry Heart Children's Camp (including campers, counselors, volunteers, medical and leadership teams) extends past the week of Summer camp; it creates an atmosphere of inclusivity, empowerment, and friendship.

I can't wait to attend in-person camp again in the future!

(Get your COVID vaccine when eligible, please! 🙂)